A quantitative research study was aimed to evaluate the knowledge regarding control and prevention of dengue fever among high school students. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding control and prevention of dengue fever among high school students. To find out the association between knowledge scores on control and prevention of dengue fever among high school students and selected demographic variables. The study was undertaken with 100 samples. Convenience sampling was used. The research design was non-experimental descriptive survey design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting the data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings show, that 32% of students are having poor knowledge and 54% are having average level of knowledge and 14% had good knowledge regarding control and prevention of dengue fever. Mean value is 8.67, standard deviation 3.48 and median is 8. The mean percentage of knowledge scores is 43.35. The χ2 value showing no association of knowledge with selected demographic variables. Results also revealed that there was no significant association between knowledge scores and socio demographic variables.